So it's past midnight and so far it has been pretty tame. In fact the only risk of damage at this point is the brain damage I am getting from sitting through 10 hours of Extreme Weather Center on Fox. The only part of the coverage that I appreciate is the strategic posting of extremely waif-like Asian female reporters along the Eastern seaboard to report on the extreme conditions - it makes for much better TV when there's a chance that the 85lb reporter may actually be scooped up into the vortex of the storm cell. There's nothing gripping about watching a 250lb dude standing on the beach as if it's just a light summer breeze passing through!
I will be heading to bed shortly - most likely to watch some more mindless drivel - and I will text Dad and Jimmy as soon as I wake up to let them know that I am alright - even though Jimmy suggested I go onto the roof of my building with - quote - "a tin foil hat" and "metal kite"... Thanks Jimmy - your love may well just blow this damned storm away!
Love all lots xxx
Oh - Tone, can you tell Cadel that there have been hundreds of tornadoes? xxx